Saturday, August 12, 2006

Dr. Frank Lynch Asks For Law Requiring All Gas Stations to Sell E85 Ethanol

Dr. Frank Lynch, Chancellor of Frank Lynch University ( reports that Communist China is coaching the Muslim terrorist nations to use oil as a weapon against America. Red China is sell weapons to Muslim Terrorists and Communist nations such as Cuba and Venezuela for use against the US.

Dr. Frank Lynch reports that this is a national emergency worse than World War II, Adolph Hitler and Stalin. We must immediately cut off the flow of US Dollars (PetroDollars) to foreigners and to Red China. The fastest and most effective way to do this is to replace all oil-based fuel with E85 Ethanol in less than five years. The first step is for 20,000,000 Americans to sign the Franks Heros Petition at to force our incompetent Congress to pass a law requiring all gas stations to include E85 Ethanol pumps.

We need viral marketing to accomplish this.

Plese use "link love" to help this vital movement: post links to this blog and to on your own blogs and websites, and email your entire address books to do the same. And sign the FranksHeros Petition!


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